For you, the dress code is casual.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I Resemble that Remark! Delayed Reaction

So, I finally hooked this up to the shiznit and I've got Technorati attached to this blog, and now I can see who linked with me for what.

Apparently back in September someone was throwing the smack down because I was spending money on gear for the scooter. I'd been given a thousand bucks and spoke of spending $400 on gear for the scooter, and he was saying that spending a grand on a scooter was like burning money.

In the end, I spent $150 on rain gear this winter, if that. Maybe just $100. Taking the bus in this city can be hell, and works out to $4.50 per day for two trips, or a month pass for $65.

My scooter's monthly insurance is $20, I get anywhere I want in the city (which is where I live, never more than 15 minutes anyplace), never pay for parking, and usually get places faster than car-driving commuters are able. Sure, I endure some weather, but, fuck. $20 a month for gas, $20 a month for insurance, and that's still 40% less than a bus pass.

And I can carry some five bags of groceries on it, not using a backpack. Plus, it's cute!

I mean, geez. Rural country types might not get that getting around a city where it's never more than 10 - 15 kms to any place, and a tank of gas is $4 for 150 klicks, might just be the smartest thing a single, low-maintenance city-slicker might do.