For you, the dress code is casual.

Monday, December 18, 2006

I'm dyyyyyyyyyyyying!

Or not.

Tackled the high rise stairs for only the second time today. It's so much harder than the stairs in my apartment! Boy, was I kidding myself! I was standing in line to get some munchies at my favourite neighbourhood store (which is CLOSING! curse you, universe!) and my leg started to twitch uncontrollably. Yeah. I think it was a good workout. Now I've just epsom soaked and next I'll stretch for, like, ever, and then: Thai green curry. So, all that working out, and then a nice big meal of coconut milk. Yeah, that computes. But fuck computes! It'll be yummy, and will last all week for lunches.

I had a friend by for brunch earlier and bought my favourite sausages to share -- chicken/apple -- and whilst buying the sausages, I noticed they had a new one for the winter season! Duck-turkey-cranberry! Ooooooh.

I bought some and will have them for dinner twice this week. I see mashed potatoes in my future -- and a couple more trips up the fucking tower to atone for them!

So, yes, my favourite store is closing. Probably because they weren't pricing properly. Sigh. Their Thai green curry paste? 99 cents a pack. Up the street? $1.99. Grr!

Just means more shit I'll have to get on my weekly Wednesday night grocery run on West Broadway. Grr! My scooter's not big enough for all 'o this! Must-get-bigger-bag!

I need to put one of those cheap-ass baskets on the back of my scooter, so I can plunk other bags in there.

Oh, this is funny. I go to Safeway in a jam 'cos it's just up the street, right, but I know they suck for, well, 80% of groceries. Cheerios, milk, eggs, sure. Everything else? Not fucking likely! So, I naturally went to three of the other stores in the neighbourhood looking for basil for my curry -- all of it was brown and mad at the world, it looked like -- so, grudgingly I traipse off to my grocery arch-nemesis, Safeway, knowing I'm looking at $2.50 for the world's smallest pack of fresh basil.

Yep, $2.49 for a measley 28-ounce packet. Then I glance down below: A 60-gram packet. Well, I'm making a big batch. So, I figure $4.50 or $5, easy, as there's no price marked anywhere, but decide that basilicious Thai curry is what this belly's craving on this nipply night. I get up to the checkout and how much is it for 120% more basil? 50 cents. For $2.99, I got a 60-gram bag of organic (so they say) basil.

I rock! Whoo-hoo!

But mostly, right now, I hurt. I hurts bad. I hope to do this twice more this week, but we'll see how much of a pipe dream that is over the next few days. All week, though, I've been wearing my Joe Boxer flannel jammy bottoms I got a few years back. I bought them without trying them on, thinking they looked huge. Well, I got home that day and tried pulling them on, and the pants couldn't pass the mid-section of my thighs. A year later, I couldn't get 'em over my ass. These days, they're four inches loose on me. It's nice to have a reminder of just how far I've come over the last few years, and slowly, too. Oh, I'm stiff already. Tomorrow's going to be the second level of hell. Dante said there were, what, eight? Yeah. This'll be fun.

Super-cool picture of Istanbul I found on this site: