For you, the dress code is casual.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Hello, Dali.

Insert mad laughter here. When the shit gets weird, the weird keep goin'. Welcome to my surreality.

I rolled out of bed with a searing headache, but this one's from the heat too high and the windows closed, and three glasses of water later, I'm feeling great. Part of the reason for that is a real humdinger.

The woman who didn't hire me because I wasn't healthy enough -- we exchanged a couple of emails this week after I sent a letter letting her know how frustrated and hurt I was with the fall-out of her decision -- sent me an email letting me know that one of her practitioners works at another clinic where they're having an impossible time finding the right person for the job, and she wants to recommend me to them and pass along all the documentation from my application process.

I'm laughing my ass off. I said SURE. Go for it. Why the hell not, right? Wouldn't that be strange, though?

Then yesterday afternoon I got a call for another phone interview and told them then would work, too, so we cracked that nut and chatted. This one's for a job just blocks from my house -- six blocks, to be exact.

And a couple guys contacted me on the dating sites, et al.

All the astrologers tell ya that full moons give really powerful energy to change things sometimes, with four days on either side of the moon being the ones to get cracking in, depending on your ascendent and all that. So, I thought I'd just look at my horoscope for the month for the hell of it just now. There's only one site I ever look at, since I'm not a big believer in horoscopes anyhow, but Susan Miller has said some eerily apt things in the past. Here's a bit of what she says. Ha! Whatever. I know what I gotta do, so. :)
Wow, dear Libra. You don't mess around. When you mean business, you get right to it. Let others stumble around the office in their post-holiday fog. You'll be way ahead of the crowd when a full moon, January 3, will hit the high point in your chart.

That full moon would be the time to break the bonds that have held you back. Uranus will be in excellent angle to the Sun and moon, suggesting a surprising victory that you will score now, or that will occur later when a decision you make now turns out to be eerily right on target. You will be feeling ultra independent and maybe even a little rebellious, but even so, you are right to forge ahead!

This full moon should mark a time of celebration, for Uranus is now in your work-a-day projects sector, suggesting that you'll either get a juicy new assignment, new piece of business, or reward for months of superb work. After this full moon, you'll know where you stand in your career.