You ever have those mornings when you wake up and you just know something's coming down the pipes? Yeah, this was that day.
I haven't liked my job from day one. One of my bosses is one of those guys everyone thinks has a swell personality, but, man, can be a dick to work for. The others were nice.
The tasks weren't really something I wanted be doing. The job's one I took because I needed a job. They laid me off on my second day (fucking brilliant) and then hired me back. More drama ensued.
Today I was let go.
Halle-fuckin-lujah. You know why?
I'm sitting there, being told that they love me, yada, yada, but it's not working out, yada, yada, and the whole time I'm looking at the guy's watch thinking, "Hurry it up. I got somewhere I need to be."
Because I knew my old job was swamped with work. And they're good people. I mean, six years there, you KNOW there were some bumps in the road, but so what? Every "family" has ups and downs, and that job, like none other I've had, did indeed feel like family. I loved 'em sometimes and "hated" 'em sometimes, but I always knew I could count on them. It was always right that way, you know? ("Hated" because it's more that PMS/mad-at-the-world moods made work seem a little worse than it should have, and it was one person in particular that irked me, and that person's way gone now.)
My biggest beef with the old job is how hard it can be on my neck and shoulders, but I can fight that with proper exercise and stretching.
I know I should be down and depressed, having lost my job today, but frankly, it's a good end to a bad thing, and I think I'm back where I belong. Maybe not for forever, but for a while, and for now, a while is a good thing.
I'll give it a week or so before I begin looking for other work -- it all comes down to whether they think they can take me on for the long term. I'd be thrilled to hear that they would, because right now all that matters to me is my writing, and I need a secure job to make that happen.
My writing will improve within a week, perhaps two, on the old job. Something about that job made me love to write. The most recent job just sucked the fucking will to write right out of me. Slurp. Right like that. For some reason, I wrote almost every day that I was at my old job. Maybe it's the mind-numbing drone of captioning. Maybe it's living inside my head all day. I don't know. Something unlocked me, and I've been pretty locked shut since starting the other job.
It's done. It's over. The bad guys are gone. The good guys are back. It's been a weird fucking world.
Funniest thing? I was fired today on the sixth anniversary of the day that I was hired at my old job. Lucky thing, rushing right over after getting canned. I'm no dummy -- when I see a shoe falling, I look for cover. I may run into a lot of adversity in my life, but I bounce the hell back, and today's just an example of how my mind works.
Now, I've never been fired before. I didn't know it felt this good. Huh. Fancy that.
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