For you, the dress code is casual.

Monday, June 26, 2006

pretty stoked.

job interviews went well, all four of them. one more to come tomorrow. i cannot begin to express to you how much i want one of those jobs in particular. another would also be a great one to get. one would be acceptable, and one i'd rather not land.

my blogs are traceable to me, so i'd be an idiot to say much more, and i'm already dumb for having said anything, but really, i have a nice vocabulary, so i at least seem somewhat intelligent, and i did real good in grade eight drama, so who cares about intellect?

tomorrow, like i sez, 'nother interview. should be coolies. then in the evening, i'm seeing the doc An Inconvenient Truth. (three words: free admission coupons!) i'm prepared to be depressed as all hell and want to come home and curl up in an ice cube bath* as i fret about how hot it is outside and the fact that glaciers are melting and politicians are shrinking like the fucking cowards they are, too scared to confront big business or the stupidity of a car-driving society that can't learn how to get around a little less dependent on dino fuels than we are.

i mean, shit. tangent time! know what kills me? there's laws about how much you can drink and drive. there's laws about talking on cellphones, even. there's laws about having to signal. there are so many laws designed to "keep us safe" on the roads...

...yet they sell fucking cars that go more than three times the legal speed limit in any country in the world, except perhaps on germany's autobahn. i mean, what kid needs a car that goes 320 km an hour? how the fuck is it even necessary to have that much speed?

they sell scooters like mine with restrictors on them, so you can't go past 60k on 'em, and sure people derestrict them... but most people don't. it's just unnecessary.

yeah, i don't get the fucking governments, ever. i'm not an anarchist yet, but jesus, the more stupidity i see, the more i wonder if we shouldn't get into self rule and vote these motherfuckers out.

i hate feeling like the only person in the world with common sense sometimes.

and it'll be cool to see a depressing-as-hell doc. betcha it wins the Oscar for best doc. the Guy wants Wordplay, a doc about crosswords to win. cool movie, good times, good fun, but i'd rather see a movie about global warming win so people can wake the fuck up and be one with their bikes or something and start doing their bloody part to cut things down.

(hey, i ride a scooter, man.)

*i twice had fevers of 105.5 as a kid and know what an ice cube bath feels like. wrong, fucking wrong, and when you're hotter than soup, it's even more wrong. saved my life, but feels so wrong.