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Thursday, April 13, 2006


Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. Bushie, Bushie, Bushie.

I can't believe the shit coming out of Iran these days. Nuclear power, one thing. This blowhard dickhead who's the president of that country? Holy shit.

The trouble with Iran is, I think military intervention is likely going to wind up being a good call, depending how much further this all goes. Nuclear power in the hands of that guy is terrifying. He believes Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth. He tells anyone internationally who disagrees with their stance to "be angry, and die of that anger." He calls anyone within his borders who disagrees with him "cowards."

Words don't kill, missiles do.

But then there's that "lost face" problem that America has. Saddam and the Enigmatic WMDs has proven to be a deadly credibility blow for the Yanks, who are a hair's breadth from being a laughingstock internationally, now that someone in that area truly does have the capacity for them. And now what? Be diplomatic the whole way through? We can give that a go, sure. I mean, hey, talk's cheap and it spares blood loss. Sometimes it just don't work, so let's cross our fingies and start singing "Kumbaya", kids.

This is probably the last thing the American soldiers need: A real reason to go to war. They've been overdeployed, underprotected, and far too exposed. They're weary and spent, and the resources just aren't there for a real war with a country led by someone who feels his nation deserves a far loftier perch under the sun, and who wants the weapons to protect that perch.

Now sources say Iran's incapable of developing weapons before 2010, but they also state that intelligence operatives are being far more conservative with the information being handed Bush. (As if information regarding potential military action should be delivered in any fashion other than "conservatively." I mean, come ON, people. Dead folks are never something we should actively pursue without a little judiciousness, or am I really that old-fashioned?)

And maybe that's true. Maybe 2010's the year they get the power, and the year they decide to use it. Who knows. Maybe it'll never be a problem. Maybe the blowhard will get turfed by people pissed at a guy who's trying to throw egg in the face of the rest of the world in a time when Islamic nations are already under the gun.

Or, then again, maybe they find a cheat sheet. Who knows.

All I know is, it'd be a fuck of a lot easier to deal with both this scenario and North Korea if "wolf" hadn't already been cried out. Bush, the little shepherd boy, had some very fucking bad advice.

Speaking of... It's nice to see that no fewer than six retired generals are calling for Rumsfeld's head on a platter. Naturally, the White House claims Rummy's doing a fine job in a difficult situation. Right, a difficult situation that he led the troops into via his leadership of the whole scenario in the first place. I love the fucking logic. "Well, it sucks now, so he stays." Dude's the master of the suckage in the first place. I say we open the hatch and toss the fucker. Fresh blood, baby. Arrogance is something Rumsfeld's being accused of. Come on, he's the goddamned prototype for it!

Yep, Iran: Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Anyone up for ordering some Korean?