For you, the dress code is casual.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

How did you get so annoying?

There's this dude at the Canadian "Weather Network," named Chris St. Clair.

He'll do his segments where he updates us on the meteorological world, and then at the end of his segment, he always STRUTS out of his shot.

Normal people, they stand there and the shot fades out on them.

Not Chris. Nope. Chris'll be there in his suit -- the nicest of all the on-staff meteorologists, of course -- doing his thang, the segment ends, he turns his body 90 degrees from the camera while he continues to stare right into the lens, and marches briskly off-set. Not even smiling, just staring into the camera like, "I'm so cool, I don't need to watch where I walk."

I can't even begin to tell you how much this irritates me.

What, did I miss the remake of Neil Young's classic, now retitled "Better to Strut Away than Fade Out?"

What the fuck, man.

Now that I think about it... it reminds me of all those old Nazi propaganda films where the Nazis are marching in formation past Hitler on a stage, all staring sideways, Sieg heil! and marching forwards.

Come to think of it, Chris is blond and blue-eyed. Coincidence? Only Chris knows.