For you, the dress code is casual.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A little consideration?

FIRST -- to REJOICE: Repressed Married Man -- my neighbour across the way who has previously SQUEEZED HIS TIT (more than once) as he’s watched me -- is moving out! Fucking hurrah! I have waited for this day for five years! I’m tired of his white trash, wifebeater-wearing, leering, smoking ugly little mug staring across the way at me. Good fucking riddance!

Surely a sign of greater, better things coming in my life. An omen of fortuitous greatness!


I’ve had some incidences in the past week where the inconsideration of the masses has kept coming to light.

People are asking things like, “Is it just me, or are more people than ever before becoming dicks?” It seems contagious. And it ain't just you. It's out there: Stupidity.

There’s been an ‘80s resurgence of late, what with the post-punk pop revolution, the silly fashion rejuvenation of things like Aviator sunglasses and skinny ties, mohawks and all that. Even cocaine’s big again.

All we need now is for Bret Easton Ellis (Less Than Zero, American Psycho) to revive his literary career with more tales of depravity and coke-sniffing teen fuckheads.

The ‘80s, if you recall, were called “The Me Decade.”

I’m dubbing the oughts (‘00s) as “The All-Me Decade.”

This post goes out to all those dickheads who do any of the following:

-Park their shopping cart in the middle of the aisle and wander off to find some stupid item. Invariably there's always some granny with a walker stranded until you get your lazy ass back to give her space.
-Walk under awnings and overhangs in the downtown cores of cities with their fucking golf umbrellas open.
-Who use golf umbrellas in the fucking city, period. (What, you need a dictionary to look up the word “golf?” Grab a brain, you twit!)
-Hang out in masses on sidewalks, forcing actual PEDESTRIANS to step into the fricken gutter or get overly personal with telephone poles as they squeeze past. When did "loitering" get so fucking hip?
-Who drive 3km-per-hour as they look for non-existent parking spots. Learn how to SCAN the lot, people, and let's shoot for 10km!
-Talk excessively loud in dining or drinking establishments when everyone else around them speaks in normal tones. Hint: You’re not as funny as you think you are. Cork it, bub.
-Don’t respond to phonecalls or emails when time is of the essence.
-Don't have the respect to RSVP to dinner engagements.
-Assume they can bring an extra guest to a dinner party.
-Who are out the door 10-minutes after their meal that a host/hostess has spent a day to prepare.
-Who arrive empty-handed. (I call bullshit! You ALWAYS bring something.)
-Persist in finding the most annoying ring ever on their cellphone and then neglect to turn it to silent/vibrate mode in dining establishments or films or anywhere else that people deem as a place to get away from it all.
-Will talk on cellphones in movies.
-Will turn on cellphones with the brightly-lit displays and play with them during movies. Hint: they’re VERY noticeable and distract a lot of us from the flick onscreen.
-Don’t take the time to park in a nice straight line so we don’t need to down a couple valiums before negotiating the tight, awkward badly-angled spot.
-Open their car doors without checking for approaching cars or cyclists.
-Do not stop for pedestrians already in the road.
-Overhang the fucking crosswalk when no one's on their ass and some old person needs to traipse around them.
-Park in the street a-la-double-parking when there’s a frickin’ SPACE far larger than necessarily for their vehicle right by the curb!
-Litter, tossing their stupid wrappers wherever they see fit. “Well, there’s already trash on the ground.” So don’t fucking add to it, you stupid, ignorant person! I deserve a beautiful, green world, and you’re fucking it up on me!
-Sit there with their cars running because they’re too lazy to turn it off. Thanks for my own personal ozone hole, you dick.
-Wear copious perfume in small spaces, particularly in offices or on buses.
-Wear spandex when they’re not part of the 5% of society that actually looks good in it.
-Don't shower regularly. You OWE it to us, pal, and maybe, just maybe your self-esteem might benefit.
-Don't wipe down the gym equipment they've just sweated all over.
-Ride bicycles on sidewalks. They're called sideWALKS for a reason, you genius.
-Don’t say thank you when the door is help open for them.
-Don’t hold the door open for the next person who’s less than 5 feet behind them.
-Don’t have their change ready when there’s a line-up behind them at a till.
-Don’t know what they’re ordering, but hold up the line-up regardless (let the person behind you go first, THEN make your decision).
-Work in retail but don’t smile at the customers, nor thank them for their patronage, nor say “Have a nice day.” If that bug up your ass is impeding you from providing SERVICE, then get the hell out of that industry!
-Don't lie and say "Fine" when you ask how their day is going. If I don't have your phone number or know your first name, I really don't care, and I'm just being polite. Whine to your shrink. Have a better attitude.
-When handing you your change, put the coinage atop the bills. What, you deliberately want me to look like an ass when I spill it over the counter? The COINS go in the palm first, and the BILL goes after. It allows the customer to CONTROL the money. Jesus. Learn this, service industry people.

There was once something called “Common Sense.”

Now, it’s “Rare Sense.”

I was raised with manners, with grace, with etiquette. I’m an exception, not the rule. People love talking with me, always are nice to me, and the reason why is because I realize I don’t live in a bubble. I make people's days brighter because I leave my baggage at home. It ain't too much to assume you should do the same.

But no, everyone's so self-important that they think they're above decency, that they can throw their shitty attitudes and moods around like like a kid with a tantrum in preschool.

We’re all on this planet together. Let’s try to make it a tad more enjoyable for others. Let’s drop this stupid self-obsessed mentality and pay attention to the world around us.

Or I swear, I’m gonna get medieval on those asses, man.