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Friday, August 26, 2005

And the terror continues

One of the greatest problems with educating people about the war, about the weapons abuses, and so forth is that much of the truly effective visuals tends to be so goddamned depressing to witness.

Like this video. Not for the faint of heart, but important to watch. Depleted uranium has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. The residual effects of it causes horrific amounts of cancer and birth deformities. But why listen to me? Watch this.

(I realize people want me to be funny and quirky, but I'm sick of not talking about this war. I'm sick of this war. I'm sick of people not saying "enough is fucking enough" and demanding an end to an illegal action that has cost more than 30,000 lives, not including all those who'll contract cancer or be born with deformities as a result of the uranium dust left behind by all those detonated "smart" bombs and such. I'm sick of feeling like my apathy is part of the problem. From time to time, the soapbox is coming out, folks. But I'll still be funny in between it all. If you genuinely don't care, don't read it. No skin off my ass.)