Photographs from my English Bay Bike Ride
I skipped out of work today to reboot my soul a little. I worked 5 and a bit hours, and had a bit of a bike ride before and after. Stuck to level lands, but got 20km in. It's conditioning phase. My cardio sucks right now. Strength though? Hills are gonna be a whole lot easier this year, baby. Once I've gotten some cardio on tap again, that is.
Still. I'm doing all right.
But I went west towards Stanley Park, to what would be the very end of the ride around the park, but I went the "illegal" way because I'm a rebel. (The sea wall starts out one-way heading into the east, around the north side, and then heading southeast again. I hit the southeastern corner and rode west.)
I'm gonna try to start blogging more, but I suspect it'll come on its own. I always write more around March. Bear with me. I'm kinda living in my head a bit these days.
It's simpler sometimes. :)
Here we go.
This is the start of English Bay, right near the Burrard Bridge. You can see the faint low-lying vapour fog that's bound to build tonight.

I like observing people at the beach. People draw so much from the ocean. You can almost see it happening before your eyes. I like people with character, too, like this obviously robust curmudgeon of a fellow.
Sunset, duh. It's setting almost directly south now, but swoops totally north, to the right of the mountain range in the top picture, by summer solstice. Knowing where the sun rises and sets at any given time of the year can really influence where you should be in order to get the right shot at the right place. So, this means there are places you should mentally bookmark to photograph at its sunset-optimal time of year. For sunsets specifically, you'd shoot the south side of Stanley Park (aka English Bay) in December to March, the west side from March to May and September to November, and the north from June to September. See?

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