For you, the dress code is casual.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Beer and Steak and Fries, Together at Last.

My friend GayBoy can soliloquy long and poetic about the wonders of San Francisco's Anchor Steam Beer, and so, today, when I was searching for a beer to offer my new mechanic friend after his efforts, I was shocked to see six bottles available at Vancouver's premiere BCLD branch on Cambie, the only government shop open in town on Sundays, and conveniently on my route. Don'tcha just love that?

This amber beer is going down mighty, mighty fine, and I can't wait to throw my steak on the Griddler and pull my hand-cut sea-salted yam fries from the oven.

From the bottle:
Today Anchor is one of the smallest and most traditional breweries in the world. San Francisco's famous Anchor Steam brand beer is unique, for our brewing process has evolved over many decades and is like no other.
I haven't had a beer at home in many months, but this is exceptional. Very sophisticated fermentation going on there... Very nice. Can't pinpoint it. Nice caramel. Mmm. Beer!

Come hither, steak and fries. Come! Okay, I'll go there. Later people.