For you, the dress code is casual.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tireder and Tireder

Lewis Carroll may've been curiouser and curiouser, but I know what I am: Flat-out wiped.

My days are a chaos of demand and supply. There's a dearth of time, and a wealth of demand. Today, a job interview, three students. Tomorrow, five students, a job interview, and a total of two hours to myself between 9am and 10pm (in which I must get ready for an interview for something that's a stop-gap, and nothing more: substitute teaching). Friday, a job interview, a specialist's appointment, and four students.

I'm tired just thinking about it. When you're looking for work, it's an endless drone.

At least I'm getting nibbles on my bites. In fact, I'm beginning to get concerned that I may wind up getting offered too many jobs, and it'll all happen in a bad-timing kind of way. I know which jobs I want, and in what order, and I know which is most lucrative, and all that, but for now I'm just internally processing things.

I'll be so glad when I'm employed. Realistically, I can't see this lapsing much longer. I must get a job. I'm too employable not to get one. I'm fun, personable, quick-thinking, skilled at what I do, able to sell ice to eskimoes, and much, much more. It's just hard to keep reminding myself of these things as yet another day passes and employment still seems slightly untenable.

I'm doing everything right. I have a quirky and completely original resume that speaks volumes about who and what I am. I have (almost) flawless grammar and spelling. I'm presentable. I grin like a fiend. I make people laugh in interviews. I made one laugh so hard she cried.* I send thank-you notes after the interview. I show up early. I leave with graceful appreciation and optimistic salutations. I mean, I could write a book about this shit.

Know what the problem is, though? I'm SO on top of the advertisements that I keep sending them within the hour that the ads show up, and while I look like a great candidate, they would be fools to not wait and see what else comes in. This I know. And I lack patience, so while I'm coming off as an eager, detailed person, I also have to pay the price by waiting for the slack-asses who don't notice the ad for three days. Sucks, but there it is.

There's only one job I might find out about this week, and the rest would be probably next week. the upside is, next week is a long weekend, and whatever happens, people will probably want a new person in place before that happens, which makes me more likely to get something.

But I'm still a catch. I know it. I'll be an awesome employee; I always am. I'm just tired and frustrated and want to know what my life entails now, not two weeks from now. I need to know.

Gots to, gots to, gots to know now.

(*Enquiring minds want to know. When asked "Who is the ideal supervisor?" I responded, "Oprah." You had to be there, but it worked, man. "She gives away CARS, for pete's sake!")