For you, the dress code is casual.

Monday, October 03, 2005

From the cosmos, a giant "fuck you"

So, I've never been good at backing shit up, and never bothered to learn how to do it on my Mac. Some will say I get what I deserve, and I suppose that's just the way the dice rolls.

Still, I'm pissed. At me, at the cosmos, but mostly at the fucking motherfucker who could've saved me all this grief if he did his job right the first time. I should've been pushier. I should've been more thorough that my use of basic English terms like "I need the "pictures" folder in entirety..." was effective enough for him to grasp.

But I wasn't, I didn't, and now I need to live with the fact that my computer crash on the weekend has resulted in my having lost 95% of my photography taken since April of this year.

On the upside, all of my writing has been saved. Thank GOD for small miracles. Writing cannot be replicated. It is what it is, a passing mood, a particular phrase...

I'm really crushed about the photos, though, because he was archiving all my shit, transferring it all off. I mean, I paid the motherfucker to get my ass out of dodge with this... and here I am, about five minutes from bawling. Shoulda coulda woulda. Sometime in the next month or two, I'm buying an 80GB external drive and This Will Never Happen Again.

Fucking hell.

A lot of my photos aren't exactly brilliantly original in that it was "a moment in time" and that's that. I am a better photographer than y'all have seen, but I'm too lazy to go through the effort to really get the kind of shots I wish I'd take more of.

A lot of the pics I've lost is stuff I can replicate if I go to X spot and take X angle shot again, but there's a few I'm pretty choked about. Fortunately some photos of my nephew have been saved... and that's really important to me, if nothing else is. The kid's too cute in a few of those photos... the kinds that really capture his essence. That's the important shit.

Sigh. What a fucked up start to my week. Oh well. I think this calls for a 1pm beer.