For you, the dress code is casual.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Tagged: Thus, the Cop-Out-of-a-Post List

I’m writing a piece about an amusing hostel stay once -- there have been many, I assure you. Fuck hotels. Hostels are where the experiences are.

But that post has been interrupted by Steve, at Everything Changed, so go tell him off. It’s his fault you have to read this. Not mine.

7 Things I plan to do before I die:

  1. Learn to surf in Morocco (looks like it’s on next September’s books, actually)
  2. Do a motorcycle tour of South America a la Che Guevara
  3. Live for a year in Ireland, probably County Donegal or the likes, and write
  4. Write a book
  5. Kayaking in Polynesia
  6. Fall madly in love, at least for awhile, and live off of lust and inspiration
  7. Sail the Yangtze/Yellow River, then go for a bike tour of Mongolia

(And thus ends the portion of the list that I enjoyed. Nonetheless...)

7 Things I cannot do:

  1. Ignore stupidity
  2. Anything double-jointed
  3. Put up with bullshit
  4. Keep my desk organized
  5. Go to church
  6. Watch a Star Trek Marathon -- any, ever: not happening
  7. Pretend to be cute and less intelligent just for the sake of boys’ egos

7 Things that attract me to the same or opposite sex:

  1. Smoldering eyes that sparkle during laughter
  2. Intelligence balanced with an easy-going nature
  3. Confidence and assertiveness
  4. Height and a big build
  5. Nice lips, strong hands, and a good package -- I’m allowed to be shallow, too, people
  6. Perception and heart
  7. The ability to make me giggle or laugh uncontrollably

7 Things I say most often:

  1. When asked “How are you?” I’ll most likely respond “Peachy” or “Ducky”
  2. “It is what it is”
  3. "Motherfucker"
  4. "For crying out loud"
  5. "Jumping jesus on a pogo stick"
  6. "Oh, for fuck’s sake"
  7. "Whatever gets you off"

7 Celebrity crushes:
(You know what? I don’t lust after celebs, but whatever.)

  1. Johnny Depp
  2. Matt Damon
  3. Jon Stewart
  4. Josh Hartnett
  5. The kid that plays Shawn in 4400 -- groan
  6. Also in the over-50? category, Ralph Fiennes
  7. Surfer Liard Hamilton

So, clearly, a very shallow list.

Now I’m supposed to name seven folks to do this. What? That’s whack. Honestly, I’m drawing a blank. Um, here goes nothing.

  1. Sarcastrix
  2. Leeloreya (she of no list-love)
  4. Grover Flanagan
  5. RukSak?

And I’ll leave it there. Thanks.